Itinerancy in New England and New York
This publication is a collection of papers presented at the Dublin Seminar of New England Folklife conference in June of 1984. It is a selected transcript of the papers on itinerant arts and profession in the American northeast before 1850. Each of the papers addresses careers in the arts and professions based wholly or in part on periods of speculative, overnight travel. The opening paper, the first of three on music and religion, is derived from a larger study by the author of American tunebook compilers of eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries The two following papers deal with religious itinerants. The second section focuses on education and rural literacy. The third section draws on the social arts and entertainments and the final section encompasses portraits, profiles and daguerreotypes.
The following is a list of the title and author of each paper: Itinerant Yankee Singing Masters in the Eighteenth Century by Nym Cooke, The Itinerant Preacher and the Social Network in Seventeenth-Century New England by Barbara Ritter Dailey, Evangelical Itinerancy in Rural New England: New Gloucester, Maine, 1754 – 1807 by Stephen A. Marini, Itinerant Lecturers and Lecturing in New England, 1800 – 1850 by Donald M. Scott, Peddlers and the Dissemination of Printed Material in Northern New England, 1780 – 1840 by William J. Gilmore, John Griffiths, Eighteenth-Century Itinerant Dancing Master by Kate Van Winkle Keller, Itinerant Entertainers in New England and New York, 1687 – 1830 by Peter BenesEntrepreneurial and Cultural Aspects of the Early-Nineteenth-Century Circus and Menagerie Business by Richard W. Flint, New England Itinerant Portraitists by Joyce Hill, Ralph Earl as an itinerant Artist: Pattern of Patronage by Elizabeth Mankin Kornhauser, Ruth Henshaw Bascom: Itinerant Portraitist by Mary Eileen Fouratt, The Early Career of Ethan Allen Greenwood by Georgia Brady Bumgardner, Two Painters: Itinerants in New York and New England by Mary Black.