New England/New France 1600 - 1850
This publication is a collection of papers presented in June of 1989 addressing the subject of daily life in New England and in French-speaking North America in comparative historical perspective, 1600-1850. The relationships of French and English settlers to Native Americans; early French settlement, land tenure, and occupational practices; early French decorative arts and folklife traditions; and housing, clothing, and agricultural life in Lower Canada.
The following is a list of the title and author of each paper: The Abenakis and the Anglo-French Borderlands by Colin G. Calloway, Captured…Never Came Back: Social Networks among New England Female Captives in Canada, 1689-1763 by Barbara E. Austen, Two Stories of New England Captives: Grizel and Christine Otis of Dover, New Hampshire by Alice N. Nash, French and British Emigration to the North American Colonies: A Comparative View by Leslie P. Choquette, Community Development in Seventeenth-Century New France: Notre Dame des Anges by Mary Ann La Fleur, Land Transmission Practices among Nineteenth-Century Northern Maine French Canadians by Beatrice Craig, Gentility on the Frontiers of Acadia, 1635-1674: An Archaeological Perspective by Alaric Faulkner, An Urban Society in Evolution: Quebec City in the Eighteenth Century by Yvon Desloges, Farm Implements and Husbandry in Colonial Quebec, 1740-1840 by Christian Dessureault and John A. Dickinson, Clothing, Society, and Consumer Trends in the Montreal Area, 1792-1835 by David Thiery Ruddel, Pour une approche comparative de l’étude des sociétés rurales nord-américaines by Beatrice Craig.