The Worlds of Children, 1620 - 1920
This publication is a collection of papers presented at the Dublin Seminar of New England Folklife conference in June of 2002. The essays in this publication are divided into 5 sections. The first section deals with child games and play in northern and eastern New England, section two addresses education as seen through school diaries and commonplace books. Section three examines children under stress – those exposed to war or those who had lost one or both parents. The fourth section concerns the depiction of children by New England lithographers and book illustrators in the nineteenth century. The fifth and final section deals with child trades and professions.
The following is a list of the title and author of each paper: Cultures of Boys’ Play in Mid-Nineteenth Century New England: The Case of James Edward Wright by Rebecca R. Noel, Sickness and Death in Doll Play, 1850-1897 by Sarah Anne Carter, The Education of Joseph Prince: Reading Adolescent Culture in Eighteenth-Century New England by Douglas L. Winiarski, One Voice: The Work and Words of Litchfield Female Academy Student Charlotte Hopper Newcomb, 1809 – 1810 by Judith Livingston Loto, “Our children are our best works”: Mary Ware Allen’s Transcendental Education by Lesley Ginsberg, Childhood and the Expansion of the Eighteenth-Century British Empire by Geoffrey Plank, Gendered Expectations: Orphans and Apprenticeship in Antebellum New England by Susan L. Porter, Representations of Children in Lithography of the Kellogg Brothers of Hartford, Connecticut, 1830 – 1870 by Nancy Finlay, The Child’s Picture Gallery: Picture Books from Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts by Laura Wasowicz, “Heralds of a Noisy World”: Carrier Boys, Post-Riders, and the Print Revolution in Early America by Vincent DiGirolamo, Juvenile Singing Schools and Floral Concerts: Thomas P. Moses’s Nineteenth-Century Children’s Choirs in Portsmouth, New Hampshire by Richard M. Candee, Child Performers and Prodigies in New England, 1795 – 1830 by Peter Benes, Du Simitière’s Sketches of Pope Day in Boston, 1767 by J. L. Bell, Autobiographical Fragment: Isaiah Thomas Remembers Pope Day in Boston.