The Pudding Hollow Cookbook written by local author Tinky Weisblat focuses on common rural pursuits – fairs and festivals, gardening and bake sales – as well as old-fashioned culinary traditions including pudding pies, May baskets, rhubarb, jellies, vinegars, and maple syrup. Pudding Hollow is a real place in Tinky’s hometown of Hawley, Massachusetts. Her introductions and stories share the spirit of community that still thrives in portions of the rural United States. Her late friend and collaborator, folk artist Judith Russell, sketches and paintings of Hawley, Massachusetts, decorate the somewhat eclectic collection, comprising mostly recipes from community residents. Russell’s homey, colorful paintings add to the warmth and flavor of the recipes and stories, making The Pudding Hollow Cookbook an ideal gift for lovers of folk art and rural scenery as well as for fans of country cookery. The book uses history, humor, and imagination to bring a little corner of New England to the wider audience it deserves. The ties hilltown dwellers feel there, both to the land and to each other, constantly renew valued American rural traditions. Pudding Hollow thus serves as a metaphor for the best in New England life and country life.