The Bay and the River: 1600 - 1900
The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Annual Proceedings 1981 This publication is a collection of papers presented in June of 1981 that addressed the general question: to what extent, if any, was life and culture in coastal Massachusetts and the Connecticut River Valley shaped by local or regional influences. This publication was based on the premise that “regional” characteristics could be perceived at relatively small increments of distance and space. In common usage by first-generation New Englanders after 1631, “the Bay” distinguished the Massachusetts coastal settlements around Boston from those at “New-Plymouth” and at “Piscataqua”; after 1636, “the River” identified the new Connecticut plantations; “the islands,” those at Aquidneck.
The following is the title and author of each paper: Style, Technology, and the Craftsmen: Assessing Regionalism in Seventeenth-Century New England Joinery by Robert F. Trent, Concord Case Furniture: Cabinetry Twenty Miles from the Bay by Myrna Kaye, Clockmaking and Society at the River and the Bay: Jedediah and Jabez Baldwin, 1790 – 1820 by Philip Zea, Connecticut River Doorways: An Eighteenth-Century Flowering by Amelia F. Miller, Architecture and Society of the Urban Frontier: Windsor, Vermont, in 1800 by William N. Hosley, Jr., Springfield Mountain in Valley and Bay by Richard M. Swiderski, River Gods in the Making: The Williamses of Western Massachusetts by Kevin M Sweeney, Psalmody in Coastal Massachusetts and the Connecticut River Valley by Peter Benes.