The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Annual Proceedings 1978 This publication is a collection of papers presented in June of 1978. This conference was a follow-up to the 1976 conference; its publication is titled Puritan Gravestone Art. This publication contains papers focused on the documentation, conservation, and interpretation of the gravestone art of early New England as well as that of North America, Canada and England.
The following is a list of the title and author of each paper: An Alternative to Panofskyism: New England Grave Stones and the European Folk Art Tradition by Lance R. Mayer, Aspects of Music, Poetry, Stonecarving, and Death in Early New England by Allan I. Ludwig and David D. Hall, A Priest to the Temple by David H. Watters, Puritan Attitudes toward Iconoclasm by Dickran Tashjian, Colonial Long Island Grave Stones: Trade Network Indicators, 1670 – 1799 by Gaynell S. Levine, “J.W.” Folk Carver of Hants County, Nova Scotia by Deborah Trask, The Rockingham Stonecarvers: Patterns of Stylistic Concentration and Diffusion in the Upper Connecticut River Valley, 1790 – 1817 by William N. Hosley, Jr., The Colonial Gravestone Carvings of John Hartshorne by James A. Slater and Ralph L. Tucker, Abstracts of Conference Papers, Bibliography of Gravestone Studies.