The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Annual Proceedings 1976 This publication is a collection of papers presented in June of 1976. The purpose of the conference was to give visibility and an interdisciplinary focus to the study of Puritan gravestone symbols and artwork. The conference was also seen as an attempt to address the problems posed by the deterioration and theft of colonial-period grave markers.
The following is a list of the title and author of each paper: Principles and Methods for the study of the Work of Individual Carvers by James A. Slater, Zerubbabel Collins’ Successor and his work in Bennington County, Vermont by William E. Harding, The Gravestone Image as a Puritan Cultural Code by David D. Hall, From Significant Incompetence to Insignificant Competence by Stephen C. Foster, Eros and Agape: Classical and Early Christian Survivals in New England Stonecraving by Allan I. Ludwig, The Caricature Hypothesis Re-examined: the Animated Skull as a Puritan Folk Image by Peter Benes, Chips from Hawthorne’s Workshop: the Icon and Cultural Studies by Thomas A. Zaniello, Nonchronological Sources of Variation in the Seriation of Gravestone Motifs in the Northeast and Southeast Colonies by Frederick Gorman and Michael DiBlasi, The Gloucester Experiment: Community Partnership and Preservation Strategies by Carole L. Sharoff, Stone Rubbings: Are Model Laws Needed! A Seminar Open Forum. Moderator: Jessie Lie, Panelists: Francis Y Duval and William McGeer, Rubbings and Their Place in the Study of New England Gravestones by Ann Parker and Avon Neal, Photography of Early Gravestones Art by Daniel Farber, Early American Gravestone Studies: the Structure of the Literature by Nancy Buckeye, Bibliography of Gravestone Studies by Nancy Buckeye.