New England Prospect: Maps, Place Names, and the Historical Landscape
The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Annual Proceedings 1980 This publication is a collection of papers presented in June of 1980. This seminar centered around an exhibition of 136 New England maps and documents on display at The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, NH. An illustrated catalogue, New England Prospect: A Loan Exhibition at the Currier Gallery of Art, is being published concurrently with this volume.
The following is a list of the title and author of each paper: Land Surveys of William and John Godsoe of Kittery, Maine: 1689 – 1769 by Richard M. Candee, The Range Township in Eighteenth-Century New Hampshire by James L. Gavin, Acculturation of the New England Landscape: Native and English Toponymy of Eastern Massachusetts by Arthur J. Kim, A New England Coastal Wilderness by John R. Stilgoe, Ideality and Actuality: The Landscape of Northern New England by Robert L. McGrath.