New England Prospect: A Loan Exhibition of Maps
Exhibitions are, by their very nature, ephemeral. Therefore, it is particularly gratifying to us that the “New England Prospect” exhibition, held at The Currier Gallery of Art in the summer of 1980, has been commemorated in a richly illustrated and carefully documented catalogue that effectively recaptures some of the show’s visual excitement and intellectual fascination.
The immediate impact of the exhibition derived from the fact that it brought together a unique body of cartographic material, some of which had lain concealed for generations – even centuries – in state archives and similarly forbidding repositories. Viewers were given an opportunity to establish relationships between this material, to compare printed survey maps with hand-drawn memory maps, and to examine long established documents in the light of newly discovered ones. Some of the inferences to be drawn from a critical scrutiny of this material are put forth in Peter Benes’s enlightening introductory essay. The existence of this catalogue will allow continued discussion and examination of the material at hand, and encourage further research and discovery in what promises to be a richly rewarding field of scholarly activity.