New England Historical Archeology
The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Annual Proceedings 1977 This publication is a collection of papers presented in June of 1977. The conference was organized on the premise that important but unrecognized work in historic archeology was being undertaken in New England by individual property owners, by local and municipal historical groups, and by universities, colleges, and schools. Organizers attempted to bring together everyone who had looked for clues to New England’s past by digging below the soil.
The following is a list of the title and author of each paper: A Survey of Historical Archeology in New England by Marley R. Brown III, Historians in the Woods: Historical Archeology at the Clarke and Lake Site, Arrowsic, Maine by James S. Leamon, Urban Process in Portsmouth, New Hampshire: an Archeological Perspective by Steven R. Pendery, Archeological Investigations at the Grounds of the Henry Whitfield State Historical Museum in Guilford, Connecticut by Beverly Anderson, Sarah Langley and Abbie Morasky-Smith, The Line of Forts: Archeology of the Mid-Eighteenth Century on the Massachusetts Frontier by Michael D. Coe, Doctor Williams’ Privy: Cultural Behavior as Reflected in Artifact Deposition at the Dr. Thomas Williams House, Deerfield, Massachusetts by Brooke S. Blades, A Middlesex Farm: An Archeological Perspective from Rural Massachusetts by William T. Brandon, The Excavation of the New England Glassworks in Temple, New Hampshire by David R. Starbuck, Fort Dummer: An Archeological Investigation of the First Permanent English Settlement in Vermont by Walter l. Harrington, The Golden Ball Tavern, Weston, Massachusetts: Liberation Philosophy: The Golden Ball Tavern by Howard Gambrill, Jr., Excavation of the East Ell. by Constance A. Crosby, The Richards Grant Project, Dover, Massachusetts: Defining and Redefining the Problems by Robert M. Campbell, Electa W. Kane, Philip M. Pochon, Urban Archeology in Boston, Massachusetts: Archeology and the Museum of Afro American History by Byron Rushing, Archeology Programs at the Museum of Afro American History: the African Meeting House and Dig Roxbury by Beth Anne Bower, Historic Archeology and Preservation Legislation by David A. Poirier, Panel: The Future of Historical Archeology and its Relationship to Cultural Resource Management: Moderator: Marley Brown III. Panelists: David R. Starbuck, Giovanna Neudorfer, David Poirier, Gary Hume, Suzanne Elliott, and Roland W. Robbins, New England Historical Archeology: the Response of a Historian by Charles E. Clark, Bibliography of New England Historical Archeology.