Historic Deerfield Magazine: Pocumtuck
This issue of the Historic Deerfield Magazine becomes the largest issue published with 80 pages. This magazine features articles on the history of the Pocumtuck people, who resided in the greater Deerfield area.
Article titles are as follows: Pocumtuck People and History by Margaret M. Bruchac, Speaking of Indians: Indigenous Identities in Colonial Histories by Margaret M. Bruchac, Deerfield’s Place in Native America by Evan Haefeli, Native Trails, Early Roads, and Changing Landscapes in Deerfield by Peter A. Thomas, “The Indians were at Deerfield”: Mary Rowlandson in the Pocumtuck Homeland by Lisa Brooks, Awikhiganak in the Great Beaver’s Bowl: Pinewans’s Network of Relations (Kwinitekw, 1747) by Lisa Brooks, In Search of the Pocumtuck “Fort”-An Artifact of Colonial History by Elizabeth S. Chilton and Siobhan M. Hart, Visions of War: A 17th-Century War Club Embedded with Wampum by Margaret M. Bruchac, Battlefield Archaeology of King Philip’s War by Kevin McBride, Population Decline in the Pocumtuck Homelands: A Reconsideration of the Role Disease by Alan Swedlund, A Road Not Taken: The Deerfield Conference of 1735 by Colin G. Calloway, Arosen’s Gifts by Suzanne L. Flynt, William Apess, Colrain’s Forgotten Native Son by Drew Lopenzina, Cross-Cultural Collecting in Deerfield by Ray Radigan, (Re) making History: Memory, Commemoration, and the Bloody Brook Monuments by Barbara Mathews and Peter A. Thomas.