The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Annual Proceedings 1982 This publication is a collection of papers presented in June of 1982. The presentations covered diet, food preparation, and cooking in the preindustrial northeast present an unexpurgated view of historic patterns of foodways based on period account books, probate records, trial documents, diaries, period recipe books, and the resources of historical archaeology.
The following is a list of the title and author of each paper: The Archaeology of Urban Foodways in Portsmouth, New Hampshire by Steven R. Pendery, The Requa Site: A Preliminary Faunal Report by Roberta Wyman Wingerson, Mid-Eighteenth-Century Food and Drink on the Massachusetts Frontier by Michael D. and Sophie D. Coe, Wholesome, Toothsome, and Diverse: Eighteenth-Century Foodways in Deerfield, Massachusetts by Daphne L. Dervin, Brick Ovens in the Genesee Country, 1789-1860: Architectural and Documentary Evidence by Lynne J.Belluscio, Producing, Selecting, and Serving Food at the Country Seat by Charles A. Hammond, It “went away shee knew not how”: Food Theft and Domestic Conflict in Seventeenth-Century Essex County by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Yeoman Foodways at Plimoth Plantation by James W. Baker, The Fireplace at Memorial Hall, Deerfield, Massachusetts: “Picturesque Arrangements; Tender Associations” by David R. Proper.